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02 June 2014

Conference highlights benefits of healthier families and societies

Key presentations from this year’s Helping Families Change Conference in Sydney, Australia, are now available to read online at the HFCC website.

More than 500 researchers, practitioners, policy makers and parents from 21 countries attended the 16th annual conference, which showed that making a difference to families around the world not only helps individual children and parents but society as a whole.

Workshops and presentations looked at topics as diverse as the changing nature of parent relationships, the importance of tailoring parenting workshops for different groups, working with parents of children with disabilities, and the potential for Triple P to create significant benefits across a wide range of health and economic societal measures.


The conference attracted extensive media interest after a major independent evaluation into a population-wide rollout of Triple P in the Irish Midlands showed a significant impact in improving the lives of children and parents.


 “The conference has grown to become the biggest of its type in the world but what is particularly gratifying is the level of support it now receives from sponsors who understand the impact Triple P now makes on the lives of children and their families,’’ conference organizer John Pickering, of UQ’s Parenting and Family Support Centre (PFSC), said.


The Triple P — Positive Parenting Program® is now available in 25 countries, has been the subject of 395 total published papers and has involved the work of 450 contributory authors.  This year’s conference was co-hosted by the New South Wales Department of Family and Community Services, University of Sydney and Monash University and received generous support from the Ian Potter Foundation.