If you're ready to explore how to implement or train in Triple P, this section can help.
Start by deciding whether you want to pursue a population level approach to Triple P delivery (and offer all parents in your community the chance to do Triple P) or whether you want to tailor your approach, and select the Triple P levels to meet the demand of specific target groups.
If you're an individual practitioner, or an organization with only a few practitioners to train, find out how here. And check out the open enrollment calendar for upcoming training dates.
* You can use the menu (to the right) to learn more, find a course, and register. However, if you're interested in training either as an individual or part of a small group in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada, you should instead go directly to this training portal.
This Getting Started section will also give all the information you need about training, accreditation and the implementation support that will help ensure your Triple P rollout is successful and sustainable.