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Training for individuals

(Please note this training is for professionals to deliver Triple P to parents.  If you are a parent you should go to the parent website.)

* You can find out more on this page, and/or use the menu (to the right) to find a course and register. However, if you're interested in training either as an individual or part of a small group in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada, you should instead go directly to this training portal

Triple P schedules many open enrolment courses each year for individuals (or organizations who'd like to train a small number of staff). Practitioners can choose to train in a level of Triple P that best suits the families they work with, including choosing their preferred delivery mode (for example, working with parents individually or in a group).

This is because the Triple P System's multi-level framework recognizes that families have preferred levels of intensity and format when it comes to parenting advice and support. There are five levels of Triple P interventions available, increasing in strength, for families with children up to12 years of age, and for parents of teenagers (12 to 16 years).

Open enrolment courses are scheduled based on demand and are usually held online, or at a venue in a major city. Minimum numbers need to be met before an open enrolment course is confirmed.